RAMPUR: Police have arrested Ganesh Pandeya, 31, of Rampur municipality on suspicion of his involvement in a rape attempt.
The incident occurred at the Saniamarai jungle, Rajghara of the municipality’s ward number 3.
Locals rescued and informed the police after hearing a woman, 20, in a semi-naked state crying and yelling in the forest.
The locals said that the woman’s trousers and inner garments were found thrown away at the incident site.
The District Police Office has said they have initiated an investigation into the incident.
However, according to police, it has been difficult for them to initiate the legal process as the woman is yet to lodge a complaint naming the culprit.
The victim, a daily-wage laborer, had been staying at her relatives’ home.
She was on her way to Bejhad when Pandeya attempted to sexually assault her.