CHITWAN: A coronavirus infected woman from Makwanpur died while undergoing treatment in Chitwan on Saturday
NAWALPARASI: Madhyabindu hospital in Nawalparasi (Bardaghat-Susta East) has closed all services except for emergency following
UDAYAPUR: Udayapur District Corona Crisis Management Center has asked persons whose swabs are collected to
DIPAYAL: All banks in Dipayal are closed after confirmation of COVID-19 in a bank employee.
KATHMANDU: The National Reconstruction Authority (NRA), the post-quake reconstruction body, will be organizing a virtual
CHITWAN: With the rise in the risk of coronavirus transmission in the district, local levels
JANAKPURDHAM: Province 2 witnessed 189 new cases of coronavirus on Saturday making the coronavirus case
BHAKTAPUR: A woman in Bhaktapur recently tested positive for COVID-19. Her travel history shows she
BIRATNAGAR: Province 1 has seen 102 more cases of coronavirus pandemic in the past 24
BUTWAL: A pregnant woman who was found infected with coronavirus in Butwal and referred to
KATHMANDU: As many as 216 more people have been diagnosed with COVID-19 in Kathmandu Valley
KATHMANDU: Nepal’s COVID-19 death toll stands at 146 as of Saturday afternoon after nine more