Krishna Timalsina « Khabarhub
Wednesday, June 26th, 2024

Krishna Timalsina

“It has become imperative to amend the electoral system”

KATHMANDU: Previously it was stated that the country would experience significant progress following the implementation

People’s rejection of federalism growing: Chitra Bahadur KC

KATHMANDU: Chitra Bahadur KC, Chairman of Rastriya Janamorcha has consistently voiced opposition to federalism. His

“There is profound disappointment among people”

KATHMANDU: Recently, there has been growing frustration among citizens questioning whether our system is flawed

Ruling coalition is destined for failure: NC leader KC

KATHMANDU: Nepali Congress (NC) leader Arjun Narsingh KC forecasted the imminent breakdown of the newly

Ruling alliance will last for next four years: Socialist leader Pandey

KATHMANDU: The leaders of the ruling coalition are voicing opposition concerns. Representatives participating in the

Prachanda is unfit for government leadership: UML leader Pandit

KATHMANDU: Discontent with the Maoist Center’s working style within the ruling coalition, particularly the Nepali

Prosperity eludes a nation built on deception: Ramhari Khatiwada

KATHMANDU: The erosion of public faith in the governance system is palpable, with state-protected crimes

NC leadership lacks focus on strengthening party organization: KC

KATHMANDU: Nepali Congress (NC) leader Jagadish Narsingh KC is a prominent figure representing the opposition

Electoral System Needs Reconsideration: Bishal Bhattarai

KATHMANDU: CPN-UML leader Bishal Bhattarai openly admitted that the decision to nominate Bamdev Gautam, who

Problem lies with the Prime Minister: UML leader Gyawali

KATHMANDU: CPN-UML Deputy General Secretary Pradeep Gyawali expressed strong views on the current political landscape,

Increase in mental illness cases poses a challenge: Dr Adhikari

Statistics reveal a surge in mental health cases in Nepal, particularly post the Covid-19 pandemic.

Intriguing story of Qin Gang and phenomenon of disappearances in Chinese politics

In the complex world of international relations, significant events can disappear mysteriously, especially when hidden

Flights disrupted as floodwaters inundate Biratnagar Airport

BIRATNAGAR: Biratnagar Airport has been closed due to flooding. Overflowing

DPM Lamichhane seeks special plan to curb narcotic drugs trafficking and abuse

KATHMANDU:: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Home Affairs Rabi

Kanchanpur collects over 7.4 million rupees revenue from driving licenses

MAHENDRANAGAR: With the increasing number of vehicles, 4,400 people have

Lightning kills two in Kailali

KAILALI: Two people were killed when lightning struck them in

NEB reschedules SEE result for Thursday

KATHMANDU: The result of this year’s Secondary Education Examination (SEE)