
CCMC for stricter implementation of prohibitory order


April 30, 2021


CCMC for stricter implementation of prohibitory order

CCMC meeting held in Singha Durbar Friday evening.

KATHMANDU: A meeting of COVID-19 Crisis Management Center (CCMC) has decided to enforce stricter measures in the battle against coronavirus, especially in areas where prohibitory orders are in place.

A CCMC meeting held Friday evening at Singha Durbar has decided to advise the government on various issues.

The major suggestions are as follows:

  • Only 13 out of 35 border entry points along the India-Nepal border will be in operation. As many as 22 border points will be fully closed. The border points to remain open with quarantine facilities are Kakarvhitta, Jogbani, Pashupatinagar, Bhitthamod, Gaur, Birgunj, Belhiya, Krishnanagar, Jamunaha, Jhulghat, Kolughat, Gauriphanta, and Gaddachauki.
  • Offices in areas where prohibitory orders are issued must operate with only one-fourth of staff capacity. This applies to government and essential service-providing offices, including banks.
  • A federal minister should be deployed to coordinate at the province level.
  • All public infrastructure construction work is to be halted. If work has to be continued then the stay of workers and employees should be managed at construction sites.
  • Likewise, industries willing to operate should arrange to keep their workers within industry premises.
  • Prepare to turn private hospitals into COVID dedicated facilities.
  • Foreigners arriving from abroad must undergo mandatory quarantine and if they flout the rule shall be deported.
  • Capacity increment of hotels that are already serving as quarantine centers.