KATHMANDU: Minutes after the Nepali Congress obstructed Tuesday’s parliament, Prime Minister KP Oli tweeted saying that the main opposition’s act hurt him by not allowing him to address the House.
He tweeted that he was not able to address the parliament on various issues, including the Guthi Bill and his recently concluded Europe visit because of the main opposition’s obstruction.
प्रतिपक्षी नेकॉले
रोष्ट्रम घेरी अबरोध गरेका कारण
मैले हालैको युरोप भ्रमण र
गुठी बिधेयक लगायतका समसायिक बिषयहरूमा
रहेको जनचासोका सन्दर्भमा
सम्मानीत सदनलाई आज जानकारी गराउन पाईन।
यस घटनाबाट म दु:खी भएको छु।— K P Sharma Oli (@kpsharmaoli) June 18, 2019
Meanwhile, PM Oli is holding a press conference at 5 pm this evening at the Prime Minister’s Office, Singha Durbar.