JHAPA: The District Administration Office (DAO) Jhapa has initiated an exemplary campaign in the areas of good governance and transparency adopting a motto ‘change should start from oneself’.
In order to provide effective and efficient services to the public, the employees here have not only changed their behavior but also adopted use of modern information technologies including mobile app and token machine. It seems every visitor feels pro-public working style of DAO once s/he enters into the office.
The well-appointed working space, friendly public service delivery, prompt response and maximum disclosure of information have given a feeling of good governance to the general public.
Hari Charan Baniya, an intellectual, said the administration office is massively working to give a different feeling in service delivery. “I had approached the office for the registration of a foundation. I did not feel dillydally and red-tape in service delivery as was in the past”, he added.
Appreciating the administrative reforms of late, he said, “Not only mine but other public services, including that of citizenship and passport delivery were also found done promptly”.
Adequate attention has been given to keep administrative office neat and clean and maintain parks besides administrative reforms in service delivery. Chief District Officer Udaya Bahadur Ranamagar had made a public commitment to present the examples of good governance from Jhapa toi contribute to the national campaign for ‘Happy Nepali and Prosperous Nepal’.
CDO Rana has been successful in bringing out notable changes in service delivery and working style in a short span of time.