KATHAMANDU: COVID-19 has taken lives of 53,238 people worldwide. World Health Organization has declared it
CHHATTISGARH: India may be witness to a spurt in the cases of coronavirus and the
KATHMANDU: Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has suggested international students, including Nepalis, to go back
KATHMANDU: The US Embassy in Kathmandu said that it will conduct a second repatriation flight
WASHINGTON: The U.S. Navy relieved the aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt’s captain of his command on
KATHMANDU: The meeting of the House of Representatives under the Federal Parliament has been postponed
POKHARA: The second report of a 19-year-girl of Baglung has arrived positive for coronavirus. Earlier,
AMARGADHI: Three Nepali nationals, who swam across the Mahakali River in their desperate attempt to
BUTWAL: In an effort to suppress the spread of COVID-19 pandemic, almost all local levels
MELAMCHI: Twenty nine coronavirus suspects have been kept under quarantine in Sindhupalchowk. According to Krishna
CHITWAN: A sample swab of a woman who died in the wee hours on Friday
KATHMANDU: A Pakistan court on Thursday overturned the death sentence given to Ahmed Omar Sheikh,