KAILALI: Police have arrested a person in possession of banned drugs on Monday. Dakshya Kumar Basnet, Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) of the District Police Office, shared Ashish Balmiki, 19, of Lakhimpur, India who has been residing in a rented room at Dhangadhi Sub-metropolis-3 was arrested with drugs.
A team deputed from Narcotic Control Bureau Mahendranagar Branch and Trinagar Police Post recovered 28 bottles of chloramines nilit, 22 files of spasmo and 183 tablets from Balmiki’s room.
Likewise, police have arrested one over a case of motorbike theft. According to DSP Basnet, police caught Prakash Bohora, 25, of Kailari Rural Municipality with a Yamaha motorbike, Se 6 Pa 5919, belonging to Roshan Adhikari, 23, of Brahmatola Rural Municipality-3.
Similarly, police seized edible items worth Rs 39,725 after raiding godown of Kailapal Store in Dhangadhi-4.