JANAKPUR: Madhes Chief Minister Saroj Kumar Yadav has agreed to seek a vote of confidence in the Province Assembly meeting on Wednesday.
After it became certain that his proposal to seek vote of confidence would fail in the parliament, Chief Minister Yadav had requested Speaker Ram Chandra Mandal to postpone the meeting citing health issues.
However, despite the Chief Minister’s request to postpone the meeting, the Speaker called the meeting earlier scheduled to discuss the Chief Minister Yadav’s vote of confidence motion.
As a protest against the Speaker, the Chief Minister and his ministers were absent from the meeting.
Consequently, Speaker Mandal adjourned the meeting for 10 minutes.
Speaker Mandal is currently discussing the vote of confidence with JSP lawmakers and Chief Minister.
A JSP lawmaker mentioned that Chief Minister Yadav is now prepared to seek the vote of confidence.
“It is true that the Chief Minister requested to postpone the confidence vote agenda due to illness. However, since the agenda was not postponed, he is now ready to seek the vote of confidence,” the lawmaker said.