The slogan of “murdabad” (down with…) is now being raised against the system that has undergone significant changes over the past 20 years.
For anyone who has dedicated their entire life to democracy, this shift is unimaginable.
As every street and settlement across the country heats up with loud slogans against the system, it’s not just the dissatisfaction of ordinary citizens being expressed; a serious question is being raised about what our leadership has truly delivered to the people.
With every change, countless hopes and expectations arise. Why would anyone take to the streets when political parties call for it? Consider the 2007 BS change, the Maoist armed conflict that followed, the People’s Movement of 2063 BS, the Madhes and Tharu movements, and other such change-driven movements.
All of these were fueled by the people’s deep faith in democracy. It was this belief that allowed political parties to secure their place. The 2063/063 BS People’s Movement elevated the democratic struggle to new heights, ultimately ending the 240-year-old monarchy.
This marked the greatest victory for democracy, and the subsequent change led to a more advanced form of democracy: the ‘Republic.’ Ironically, however, less than 20 years later, we are now hearing blasphemous slogans against the ‘Republic.’
The blood of democracy has been shed through the struggles of the Nepali people. Therefore, it can be said that this is not merely the voice of a citizen, but the voice of a deeply disillusioned populace.
So, what is the reality? Our leadership and the rulers we elected failed to act swiftly. These voices are the result of frustrations that have been suppressed, ignored, and exacerbated by reckless decisions and a growing detachment of the government from the lives of its citizens. If the ruling class does not address this in time, we will pay a heavy price.
Currently, the government consists of the Nepali Congress and the CPN-UML, two of the largest parties. The process of forming a government through party alliances is a common parliamentary practice, but it comes with specific conditions, characteristics, and trends.
The unique circumstances in the country have shaped this situation. The current coalition government is the product of this multi-party parliamentary system.
Both of these parties have long histories and have played unique roles in maintaining the party-based political system in Nepal.
So, why is dissatisfaction among citizens growing even with such a government in power? Why are anti-system slogans becoming more intense?
Instead of addressing the dissatisfaction of the people, the government is exacerbating the unrest. The political party most responsible for this, particularly the Nepali Congress, now bears the burden.
The government on Monday reshuffled the leadership of one of the country’s most important institutions—the Nepal Electricity Authority.
This organization is not only critical for the daily lives of ordinary people but also a central pillar of the country’s economic backbone. Running it is no small task.
Nepalis, who once endured over 18 hours of darkness due to load shedding, have found light in this agency’s reforms.
Kulman Ghising, the Managing Director of the Nepal Electricity Authority, became a symbol of how one person can bring about significant change. His work earned him widespread popularity among the people.
It doesn’t matter which political party appointed him; what he accomplished and continues to do is what matters. That said, in terms of his position, he was an employee appointed by the government.
The government has the authority to appoint individuals suited for positions, and it can also remove them when necessary. Changing responsibilities is a regular task for any government.
The real question is: should the government have sacrificed the people’s support for the sake of one minister’s bruised ego, especially when civil unrest was on the brink of exploding in the streets?
Few have garnered such widespread public praise in a government position, and this speaks to their work ethic and actions.
However, a wave of ‘populism’ is now sweeping the nation. This premature decision by the government has not only stoked the flames of populism but also further exacerbated the civil discontent still simmering beneath the surface.
The government should not be playing with the emotions of ordinary citizens to soothe the wounded pride of a single minister. What’s worse, the Nepali Congress, which is supposed to be the guardian of democracy and a part of this government, has supported this move.
As long as the leadership of the Nepali Congress, including the party president, remains silent about the government’s anti-people decisions and actions, nothing will change if someone writes something on social media.
Such posts will neither make the Nepali Congress part of the movement nor restore the trust and confidence of the common people in the party. Instead, the citizens will mock it again, calling it “crocodile tears.”
The true meaning of democracy becomes clear when ordinary people experience it in their lives. Democracy is not just a form of government or a political system; it is deeply intertwined with the daily lives and needs of every citizen.
It complements both the state’s responsibility to the people and the citizens’ duty to the state. When this balance is disrupted, slogans like ‘murdavad’ (down with the system) begin to rise. This is exactly what is happening now.
No matter how much ‘democracy’ or ‘socialism’ is preached, the root cause of increasing civil discontent is that the leadership has never truly understood or valued the sentiments of the people.
However, one crucial point is that it is not only the rulers who can protect democracy. No ruler can safeguard democracy on their own.
Democracy exists at the grassroots level and is connected to ordinary citizens. It is the people who make democracy thrive and sustain it—people for whom politics has built its system.
The fundamental principle of democracy is ‘liberty.’ When rulers, acting on their own will, begin to disregard this liberty, citizens’ dissatisfaction, anger, and frustration inevitably spill into the streets.
Such decisions and actions against the people’s sentiments were never expected, are not expected now, and cannot be justified by this government, which is led by two major parties that have always considered themselves champions of democracy and socialism.
When attempts are made to alienate the common person from every aspect of state governance, the system becomes purely technical and can never truly resonate with the hearts of the citizens.
Any system will fail in such a scenario. This caution may not be necessary for those who have been prime ministers or have run governments multiple times, but it is certainly crucial now.
When a ruler views the discontent of the people as opposition to the entire system or dismisses citizens’ dissatisfaction as ‘treason,’ their downfall begins.
The history of decline and disintegration worldwide can be traced back to such ‘destructive and contrary’ attitudes in leadership during crucial times.
A democratic party, individual, or leader is always searching for democratic values and norms. They work tirelessly to protect these values and ensure their implementation.
Their politics and governance are grounded in these values. They are constantly vigilant to ensure that citizens benefit from them.
Trust in democracy among the people can only be sustained through ongoing efforts to immediately address and resolve citizens’ dissatisfaction, anger, and unmet expectations. Without this, there will be no democracy, no system of governance.
(The writer is a leader of Nepali Congress)