Today’s foreign currency exchange rates « Khabarhub
Wednesday, June 26th, 2024

Today’s foreign currency exchange rates

24 May 2024  

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KATHMANDU: Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) has fixed the foreign currency exchange rates for today (May 24, 2024).

According to NRB, the buying rate of one US dollar is 132 rupees 96 paisa, and the selling rate is 133 rupees 56 paisa.

Similarly, the buying rate of one Euro is 144 rupees 18 paisa, and the selling rate is 144 rupees 83 paisa.

The buying rate of one British pound is 169 rupees 29 paisa, and the selling rate is 170 rupees 06 paisa.

According to Nepal Rastra Bank, the buying rate of one Qatari riyal is 36 rupees 48 paisa, and the selling rate is 36 rupees 64 paisa.

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