RSP leader Shrestha calls for policy clarity in party « Khabarhub
Friday, June 28th, 2024

RSP leader Shrestha calls for policy clarity in party

15 June 2024  

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KATHMANDU: Central member of the Rastriya Swatantra Party (RSP) Biraj Bhakta Shrestha has emphasized the need for policy clarity within the party.

During a tea reception hosted on the occasion of the party’s 2nd establishment day here today, Shrestha urged the leadership to document the policy issues outlined in the announcement made at the Jaleshwor meeting.

The joint meeting of the central committee and parliamentary party committee of the RSP, held in Jaleshwor last September, had released a political report. Shrestha highlighted the importance of this report, stating, “RSP must have a clear policy. We can’t move ahead on a whim,” and added that both party members and the general public need to be well-informed about it.

Shrestha, who is also the Minister for Youth and Sports, extended his best wishes on the occasion.

He stated that the RSP is committed to addressing governance issues and suggested that the party’s alliance with the ruling parties needs to be re-evaluated.

“The governance ills are more dangerous than the social ills we are experiencing now. Although we’re in government, we are acting on a double-edged sword,” he remarked, emphasizing the need to reassess the party’s support for the government.

On a different note, Minister Shrestha announced that the Finance Ministry had released the budget on Friday to award prizes to winners of various national and international sports competitions.

He is scheduled to present a report on the activities he has undertaken in the last 100 days.

Publish Date : 15 June 2024 13:54 PM

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