SINDHULI: In an effort to restore the natural state of the river, over 24,575 kilograms of plastic waste that could have polluted the Sunkoshi River has been cleared from various locations in Sindhuli.
CREASION Nepal, in collaboration with Golanjor Rural Municipality, Youth Cohorts, the Armed Police Force, Nepal Police, Traffic Police, and other stakeholders, successfully completed a river cleanup campaign that removed 24,575 kilograms of waste from the banks of the Sunkoshi River and waste hotspots.
Over 134 individuals participated in a river cleanup campaign organized by Project CAP (Collaborative Approach for Preventing Plastic Leakages in Rivers) in Khurkot, Golanjor-7, under the PLEASE (Plastic-Free Rivers and Seas of South Asia) initiative on Saturday.
According to Ujjwal Upadhay, team lead for Project CAP, as part of this project, participants gathered in Golanjor-7 to initiate the river cleanup activity, which is supposed to span 12 river cleanup campaigns together, one in each of the seven municipalities under the project’s jurisdiction.