
Capturing the spirit of Tamu Lhosar: Vibrant Celebrations in Kathmandu 


December 31, 2023


Capturing the spirit of Tamu Lhosar: Vibrant Celebrations in Kathmandu 

Gurung community celebrating Tamu Lhosar in Kathmandu/ RSS

KATHMANDU: Today, the Gurung community is immersed in joyous celebrations of Tamu Lhosar, bidding a spirited farewell to the passing year through vibrant and culturally rich festivities.

Numerous events were organized across the country to mark these joyous celebrations. Here is a glimpse of the Lhosar festivities in Kathmandu, beautifully captured in pictures:

This visual journey provides a sneak peek into the lively and colorful traditions as the Gurung community comes together to celebrate Tamu Lhosar in the heart of Kathmandu.

Photos: RSS