JAJARKOT: In the aftermath of the devastating earthquake on November 3, Man Bahadur Khatri, a resident of Nalgada Municipality-8, found his home reduced to ruins. With half of his building completely destroyed, the remaining space now serves as a makeshift storeroom for essentials and shelter for their cattle. The family, battling the harsh winter conditions, has erected a tarpaulin tent in an open field adjacent to the wreckage, their only refuge.
Despite the dire circumstances, the family relies on a tarpaulin provided by an organization and a few salvaged clothes for warmth. To recover essential items from the wreckage, Khatri estimates a need for approximately one lakh rupees. The challenging terrain leaves them with no option for a temporary residence other than dismantling the remnants of their old house, now a mere pile of wood, stones, and mud. Khatri, along with many others, awaits government support, having received no financial assistance for building a temporary shelter.
The local cultivation in the area can barely sustain the people for three to four months, adding to the community’s struggles for reconstruction, as expressed by Kali Bahadur Buda of Silpachaur, Barekot Rural Municipality-1. “Families and students alike are forced to endure the harsh conditions under tarpaulin tents,” laments Bir Bahadur Giri, Chairman of Barekot Rural Municipality.
According to the local government, the District Administration Office (DAO) has yet to provide any financial support, citing a lack of budget. Executive Officer at DAO, Adhikari Harish Chandra Sharma, reports that 39,055 households have been earmarked for reconstruction, including 2,549 in Bheri Municipality, 8,097 in Nalgada Municipality, 3,664 in Chedagada Municipality, 5,586 in Barekote, 5,286 in Kushe, 2,536 in Junichande, and 3,309 in Shivalaya.
However, financial support for reconstruction has been limited, with Rs 6,37,25,000 allocated for Bheri Municipality, 13,96,50,000 for Bharekote, 13,21,75,000 for Kushe, and 8,27,25,000 for Shivalaya. The dire situation leaves earthquake survivors like Man Bahadur Khatri and his family facing uncertainty and in desperate need of assistance.