
CNP prepares to fit radio collar on wild elephant ‘Dhruve’


December 10, 2023


CNP prepares to fit radio collar on wild elephant ‘Dhruve’

Wild elephant Dhruve/File photo.

CHITWAN: The Chitwan National Park (CNP) has decided to fit a radio collar on the wild elephant ‘Dhruve’.

CNP’s Information Officer Ganesh Prasad Tiwari informed that Dhruva, who has remained peaceful for the past few years and had entered human settlements before the festival of Tihar, will now be monitored after it was spotted in the vicinity of settlements.

He added that a technical team led by senior veterinarian Dr. Vijay Kumar Shrestha from the National Park carried out the operation for fitting the radio collar on the elephant. The decision to fit the collar on the elephant was made due to the necessity of monitoring the elephant with community participation.

Tiwari mentioned, “When Dhruve is spotted, the information is conveyed to the surrounding communities and the posts of the security forces stationed for the protection of the National Park.” He further explained the difficulty in fitting a radio collar on Dhruve due to it being more alert than other elephants.

He indicated that it could pose a problem as Dhruve often roams in open fields and grasslands. Tiwari also noted Dhruve’s tendency to enter settlements, wander around houses, and damage stored food.

Dhruve had caused human casualties in the past. With the installation of the radio collar, the authorities at the National Park expect to monitor Dhruv’s whereabouts and actions more easily.

Tiwari remarked, “With the radio collar, it will be easier to inform the public if the elephant approaches the settlement.” CNP estimated that Dhruve has claimed the lives of more than 20 people so far.