BENI: Beni Municipality of Myagdi district has started collecting details of landlords providing their houses and land on lease.
The municipality started collecting the details of landlords, who lease their private houses and land in municipal area, in order to bring them under the ambit of taxation.
Tax officer at the municipality, Prabha Sharma, said they have issued a 35-day notice asking landlord to submit the details of their rented house and land at the ward offices by September 7.
The municipality has divided landlords in three categories in order to bring them under the ambit of tax, adding late fine would be charge for those landlords not submitting the details within the deadline, she mentioned.
Sharma further said house rent tax has been made mandatory from the current fiscal year.
The municipal assembly amended the act and categorised the landlords after the number of landlords paying house rent was very minimal.
The landlords who lease their house and land for the official purpose have to pay 10 per cent tax, four per cent tax for business purpose and two percent tax for residential purpose.
Earlier, 10 per cent tax was determined for all purposes. The municipality had collected Rs 3.035 million in revenue on house rent heading.