KATHMANDU: Australia is considering letting the international students enter the country from July.
According to the latest three-step to exit the lockdown that was announced by Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, international students may be able to enter the country.
However, they need to follow strict quarantine rules, according to reports in Australian media.
“Issues of international students, you’ll note that it does come into the third step of the [exit] plan, that is a possibility,” said Morrison. “We are open to that, and would be working with institutions to see how that could be achieved.”
“Our 3 step roadmap to a COVID Safe Australia with our aim to get through these steps and get Australia working again in July this year,” he said.
Australia’s exit plan has Stage 1 – local and regional travel allowed while 10 visitors in home, business or public places advised; Stage 2 – some interstate travel allowed while visitor limit increases to 20 in home, business or public places; Stage 3 – gathering size increased to 100 and cross-Tasman, pacific island and international student travel allowed.
With international education worth AU$40 billion per year to the economy, there have been many calls for Australia to move to protect its industry, according to The Pie News.