KATHMANDU: A tempo driver, infected with coronavirus, has been found to be driving in Kathmandu for the last three days.
According to Bhim Jwala Rai, President of the Nepal Independent Transport Workers’ Organization, the infected driver had been driving his tempo on the Shankhamul-Thapagaun-Anamnagar-Ratnapark route for last three days.
He had gone to his home in the far-west during the lockdown. A few days ago, when he returned to Kathmandu, swabs were collected in Nagdhunga.
Rai said that his report was found positive.
The problem has been added to the contact tracing after the public transport driver was found to be infected.
He also used to take the tempo’s battery to a garage in Shantinagar for charging. The garage charges 30-35 batteries at a time. It is estimated that there may be several many people who came in contact with him in the process.