PUNE: At least seven people have died in rain-related incidents in Pune after unusually heavy downpour lashed the city since late Wednesday night. The rainfall stopped in the early morning hours on Thursday.
Five bodies were recovered from Aranyeshwar area, one body was found inside a car floating in floodwater on Singhnad Road and another was found in a canal in Sahakarnagar.
Schools and colleges in the city will remain closed on Thursday, media reports said.
Pune district collector Navalkishore Ram ordered school closure in Pune and adjoining talukas of Purandar, Bhor, Baramati and Haveli.
Rescue teams recovered the bodies from three different areas of the city. Five bodies were recovered from Parvati- Aranyeshwar area, one body was found inside a car floating in floodwater on Singhnad Road and another was found in a canal in Sahakarnagar.