MUMBAI: A 12-year-old boy has allegedly stabbed his school principal to death in her house at Shivaji Nagar in Govandi for scolding him in front of his friends.
The victim, 30-year-old Ayesha Aslam Husuyae, had also been privately coaching the boy at her home for the past five years. The minor, who has been sent to the Dongri remand home, told police that his mother had asked him to borrow Rs 2,000 from Husuyae for her on Monday.
“After school, when he asked Husuyae for the money, she allegedly scolded him in front of his friends. The boy told us he felt insulted,” said a police officer. “He went to her house around 8 pm for tuition. He stabbed her with a knife he had been carrying.” Husuyae raised an alarm after which her neighbors took her to a hospital where she was declared dead. The woman lived alone after separating from her husband.
“The boy was still in the house when the neighbors rushed in,” said the officer. The boy has been changing his statement.