KATHMANDU: Introversion is in your DNA from birth, and brains are wired a little differently than those of extroverts. Introvert minds process things deeply, and because they’re sensitive to the “feel good” neurotransmitter dopamine, and just don’t get “high” off socializing as extroverts do.
Introverts need somewhat different things in life to be happy, compared to extroverts. Here are 12 of those things.
1. Plenty of time to wind down and process
2. Meaningful conversation
3. Companionable silence
4. Space to dive deep into our hobbies and interests
5. A quiet space that’s all ours
6. Time to think
7. People who understand that sometimes we’ll be staying home
8. A deeper purpose to our lives and work
9. Permission to remain quiet
10. Independence
11. The simple life
12. Friends and loved ones who value us despite our quirks