BHIMDUTTANAGAR: An unidentified group of people torched the vehicle of Jagat Bahadur Singh, the spokesperson of Shuklaphanta Municipality, Kanchanpur and chair of ward 7. Spokesperson Singh’s vehicle, Ba 21 Cha 8507, parked at his rented house was set ablaze at around 1.00 am this morning.
Police Inspector Nain Singh Saud, chief of Area Police Office Jhalari, shared that serious investigation is taking place regarding arson. “It seemed some people had set the car on fire at midnight and fled the scene”, Saud noted. “Search for the group involved in the incident has been intensified”. Meanwhile, the ward office of Bhimdutta Municipality-19, Bagphanta was set ablaze on Thursday night.
An unidentified group had put the chamber of ward chair on fire at night, according to Area Police Office Bagphanta. Police shared that the fire had caused damages to some official documents, furniture and chair of the ward chairperson. Police further said a pamphlet of the Netra Bikram Chand group containing seven point disagreements was found in the incident site.
The pamphlet has highlighted the issue of growing corruption at local level, mismanagement of stray cattle and ignorance of road infrastructure development. Search for the arsonists is underway, the police said.