Friday, October 25th, 2024

Rabi Raj Thapa

Traditional Organized Crime and its deviation

Since last two decades, there has been a significant change in Organized Crime Groups (OCG)

Politicians must demonstrate seriousness on transnational organized crime

Money laundering, traditionally, is associated with the proceeds of crime, which is usually derived from

Traditional organized crime and its deviation

Since last two decades, there has been a significant change in Organized Crime Group (OCG)

State fragility and organized crime (V)

In Nepal, like any other countries of the world, there is a tendency of oversimplification

State fragility and organized crime (IV)

World Happiness Report 2018 has ranked Nepal 101 among 156 countries of the world. Therefore,

State fragility and organized crime (III)

The definition, understanding, and interpretation of organized crime are different and difficult to understand in

State fragility and organized crime (II)

Post-conflict Nepal after 1996 till date can be taken as the best harvesting session for

State fragility and organized crime

There is always the probability of strong relationship among transnational organized crime groups, the government,

No budget crunch for International Cricket Stadium: CM Lama

CHITWAN: Bahadur Singh Lama Tamang, the Chief Minister of Bagmati

China constructing “mother of all dams” in Tibet

Just across the international border with Arunachal Pradesh, China is

Ruling coalition voices objection to “influence” in Rabi Lamichhane investigation

KATHMANDU: The seven ruling parties have raised serious objections to

Govt’s 100-day period satisfactory: Ruling coalition

KATHMANDU: The ruling parties have issued a joint statement following

Govt transfers CDOs in 17 districts, including Bhaktapur and Lalitpur

KATHMANDU: The government has transferred Chief District Officers (CDOs) of