KATHMANDU: Kathmandu Metropolitan City (KMC) rescued 73 at-risk children over the past two fiscal years.
Among the rescued are 41 boys and 32 girls.
According to KMC, 38 children were placed in protection houses, while 34 were reunited with their families. In seven cases, legal proceedings were initiated.
Member of the Child Rights Committee, Prabin Silwal, noted that complaints in two recent incidents were filed following psychosocial and joint monitoring reports from KMC.
Deputy Mayor Sunita Dangol highlighted the importance of addressing legal and practical measures to protect children’s psychological well-being.
“Although various organizations are working towards children’s welfare, our objectives are aligned. We must continue collaboration and coordination. We’ve ensured local police representatives in ward women networks,” she said.
Deputy Inspector General Uma Prasad Chaturvedi of the Women, Children, and Senior Citizen Service Directorate assured that necessary actions would be taken by standardizing complaint formats to ensure the safety of citizens.