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Today in History: August 10

10 August 2019  

Time taken to read : 10 Minute

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Some of the significant events which took place on August 10 taken from the leaf of History:

612 BC -Killing of Sinsharishkun, King of Assyrian Empire. Destruction of Nineveh.

610- In Islam, the traditional date of the Laylat al-Qadr, when Muhammad began to receive the Qur’an.

1497 – John Cabot tells King Henry VII of his trip to “Asia”.

1675 – King Charles II and John Flamsteed lay the foundation stone of the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London.

1846 – US Act of Congress passes establishing the Smithsonian Institution, now world’s largest museum and research complex.

1860 – Popular Indian Classical vocalist, Vishnu Narayan Bhatkande was born.

1894 – President V. V, Giri of India was born.

1990 – The Magellan spacecraft begins its orbit of the planet Venus after a 15-month journey from Earth. The space craft spent the next four years mapping Venus, producing a detailed map of 99% of the planet.

1897 – The first ever Auto Club is formed as the Automobile Club of Great Britain and Ireland, later known as the (RAC) Royal Automobile Club.

1903 – Charles Becker, master forger, referred to as “the Dutchman” will be released from San Quentin prison. Becker was sentenced to seven years for counterfeiting $22,000. Apparently, he was a model prisoner who did artwork in prison. Becker is considered to be the most masterful criminal in forty years.

1921 – While staying on holiday at his summer home on the Canadian island of Campobello, Franklin D. Roosevelt at 39 years old suffers from the first signs of Polio (paralytic poliomyelitis) during the next 7 days the paralysis spreads over the rest of his body. This was unusual even for the time because most cases of Polio were found in children, and some believe that it was wrongly diagnosed, but the future president did believe it was Polio and in later life set up “The March of Dimes Foundation” to search for a cure for the disease. It would be 30 years before a vaccine was developed that would help eradicate the disease.

1921 – During prohibition a large ring of bootleggers was discovered in Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York. The bootleggers hid their illegal operations under the guise of being a “medicinal manufacturers” company. Another large ring of criminals was discovered in Ohio and Illinois. This bootlegging organization hid their illicit activities under the cover of being a flavoring extract company.

1936 – Seventy year old famous journalist Lincoln Steffens died in California of a heart ailment. He started his career in 1902 as editor of McClure’s magazine. President Theodore Roosevelt described Steffen’s style of writing as “muck raking”. However, Steffen tackled subjects like social injustice and corruption in public and private places.

1942 – In India rioting and strikes occurred in Bombay and Delhi over the arrest of Mohandas K. Ghandi who advocated non-violent protests. Japan encouraged Indians to fight for their liberty from Britain and reported that they were standing on the India-Burma border ready to help liberate India.

1945 – Following the Atomic bombs Japan announced its willingness to surrender to Allies provided that the status of their Emperor Hirohito remains unchanged.

1954 – Construction on the St. Lawrence Seaway began at Massena, New York.

1957 – Dr. W.E. Peterson feels confident that the invention of “protective milk” can cure a variety of human illnesses such as cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatic fever, and even the common cold. The doctor has been doing experiments by injecting bacteria into cow’s udders to produce immunity in those who consume the milk. However, it has not yet been tried out on large numbers of people.

1969 – France has devalued its currency, the franc, by 12 1/2 %. This has produced depression in the country, but elation among tourists. Labor officials and the opposition have criticized President Charles de Gaulle’s financial policies for bringing France to this state.

1974 – In the wake of scandal, Richard Nixon’s resignation was accepted by Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and Gerald Ford stepped into the oval office. Ford promised a government with honesty, and transparency.

1977 – The “Son Of Sam” Serial killer David Berkowitz, a 24-year-old postal worker, was arrested after admitting that he was Son of Sam, the New York City serial killer.

1979 – Satellite Launch Vehicle, SLV-3 of India was launched.

1986 – In Beirut, Lebanon one of the hostages, Terry Anderson aged 38, was reported to be ill and in bed. Anderson was an American journalist with The Associated Press. He was taken prisoner on March 16, 1985. White House officials could not confirm the report of his illness.

1999 – Vladimir Putin was newly installed as acting prime minister in Russia. However, he was quickly pressed into service by Boris Yeltsin to help suppress Islamic fundamentalists in the south of Russia. Putin was a former KGB officer. Yeltsin has reshuffled the cabinet over four times in less than a year and a half, which has raised concerns about his fitness to lead.

2002 – Stock market losses, corporate corruption, and a sagging economy have hit senior citizens hard and have become an election issue. After retiring a couple of years ago Michael Dalal, a lawyer and businessman, lost half of his savings and had to go back to work. Seniors accounted for 14% of the vote in 2000. The AARP (The Association of Retired People) is keeping an eye on pensions and corporate fraud prevention.

2003 – The United Kingdom records its first ever temperature over 100 degrees Fahrenheit. At Brogdale in Kent a temperature of 101.3F was recorded the highest ever recorded temperature in the country since records began in 1875. Throughout August the intense heat wave scorched Europe, claiming more than 35,000 lives.

2006 – UK Terrorist Plot Foiled: British police have announced the arrest of 24 suspects on suspicion of a terrorist plot to blow up 10 aircraft bound for US Airports. The terrorists had planned to blow up the aircraft with liquid explosives (acetone peroxide (TATP) or hexamethylene triperoxide diamine (HMTD) which would be in Lucozade or similar other innocuous bottles carried in hand luggage. Many of those arrested are British-born Muslims, some of Pakistani descent with possible links to the militant Islamic organization al-Qaeda.

2007 – Damage Spotted on Space Shuttle Endeavour 10th August, 2007: While docking with the International Space Station (ISS) damage has been spotted believed to have been caused during takeoff. The damage is 9 pieces of foam which have broken away. The damage is a major concern for NASA since the Columbia disaster in 2003 which was caused through a similar problem and not repaired prior to re-entry. Over the next 7 days astronauts will be sent out on space walks to first inspect the damage and send pictures back to NASA and then if needed to patch up the damage with filler of a metal shield to protect the area for re-entry. The Space shuttle has been sent to the International Space Station to replace one of the four gyroscopes which help control the orbiting outpost’s orientation in space.

2007 – Canada Announced Two military facilities Arctic, 2007 : Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced plans for the construction of two military facilities to be built in the Northern territory of the Arctic. These announcements came in the midst of heightened territorial claims by countries such as Denmark and Russia. 10 Aug, 2008 – U.S.A. Isaac Hayes Dies

2008 – American music legend Isaac Hayes died of a stroke on this day at the age of 65. Hayes was known as a popular artist from the 1970s who contributed to the development of the hip-hop and R&B genres. He was also known for voicing the character of Chef in the popular cartoon comedy South Park.

2009 – Sweden Greenpeace, 2009: The environmental group Greenpeace began dropping large boulders of the coasts of Denmark and Sweden. The group did this as a way to prevent bottom-trawling fishing boats from damaging the environment and over-fishing the area. The group did this despite protests from the European Union who stated that they were already going to address the problem.

2009 – Slovakia Mine Explosion: 10th August, 2009: An explosion in a coal mine in Handlova, Slovakia killed twenty workers and injured nine. The explosion occurred after a large build-up of gases ignited as the miners fought off a fire in the mine.

2011 – Rioting has continued for a fourth night in Cities in Britain with reports of looting, arson and violence in Manchester. Birmingham, Liverpool and Nottingham.

2013 – Tomb Opened in Florence 10th August: A tomb was opened in the city of Florence in Italy by scientists hoping to find the mysterious model for Leonardo da Vinci’s famous Mona Lisa painting. They opened the family tomb of Lisa Gherardini who was thought to be the possible model. The scientists hoped they would be able to identify her from DNA samples and then reconstruct her face from the skull.

2017- North Korea’s military described as a “load of nonsense” Trump’s warning that the North would face “fire and fury” if it threatened the United States.

Publish Date : 10 August 2019 12:54 PM

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