Phunjo Lama becomes fastest woman to summit Mt Everest « Khabarhub
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Phunjo Lama becomes fastest woman to summit Mt Everest

24 May 2024  

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KATHMANDU: Nepali climber Phunjo Jhangmu Lama from Gorkha district has set a new record for the fastest ascent of Mount Everest by a woman, reaching the world’s highest peak in less than 15 hours.

Phunjo reached the summit at 6:23 am on Thursday, marking the fastest ascent by a woman.

Khimlal Gautam, Chief of the Tourism Department’s Temporary Field Office, confirmed that Phunjo started her expedition from Everest Base Camp at 3:52 pm on Wednesday and reached the summit in just 14 hours and 31 minutes.

This remarkable achievement surpasses her previous record from 2018, where she scaled Mount Everest in 39 hours and 6 minutes.

Publish Date : 24 May 2024 08:58 AM

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