KATHMANDU: The Citizen Investment Trust has introduced a ‘Citizen Pension Scheme’ to provide pensions to all Nepali citizens.
The public can join the scheme by saving a minimum of Rs 500 per month.
Based on the amount saved, the person will get a pension after completing 60 years. The trust has stated that the more money is saved, the more pension will be received.
If someone wants to leave in the middle of the scheme, the person’s savings will be refunded along with interest received from that amount. However, participation in this scheme will not be waived for at least two years.
Savings can also be made monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annually. But, it should be at least 500 per month.
The trust has stated that it will encourage the public to save and mobilize the savings for the economic development of the country.
The Board of Directors has approved the working procedure using the authority given by Regulation 32 of the Citizens Investment Trust Regulations, 2048 BS.