Prof. Ganga Thapa « Khabarhub
Sunday, June 23rd, 2024

Prof. Ganga Thapa

Nepal’s Democracy Under Siege by Political Elite

Most politicians avoid uncomfortable truths. While Nepal is not a dictatorship or mafia state, its

A Tale of Corruption and Collusion

Undeniably, the treacherous and venal political figures—Dahal, Oli, and Deuba (DOD)—have engaged in a litany

Kleptocracy and Urgent Need for Reform

Most scholars believe that no political system can fully accommodate the diverse array of interests

Urgent Reforms Needed to Safeguard Nepal’s Democracy

The Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) of November 2006 marked the end of Nepal’s decade-long Maoist

Nepal politics: No Panacea In Sight

KATHMANDU: Gong and Lips (2009) have noted that elections, especially at the national level, constitute

Is Nepal losing democracy?

Ancient democracy had developed around the fifth century BC in the Greek city-states. Although we

Democratic and Egalitarian Discourse

All political changes may not necessarily produce the intended results nor provide useful and pragmatic

The Democratic Dilemma

Over three decades of vigorous study, one of the major political breakthroughs that has been

Pluralism and foreign policy

One of the attractions of a federal system is to ensure security and equality for

Pluralism and Foreign Policy

One of the attractions of a federal system is to ensure for its citizens’ security

Pluralism and Foreign Policy

If one accepts the premise that a democratic regime provides a system where free and

Nepal: Toward a plural democracy?

Liberty, equality, individualism, democracy, and rule of law propose for reconciliation-based politics and a political

Govt’s committed to promoting all languages, cultures: Minister Tamang

KATHMANDU: Minister for Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation, Hit Bahadur

Country will advance further under PM Dahal’s leadership: Mahesh Bartaula

KATHMANDU: The CPN-UML Chief Whip, Mahesh Bartaula, asserted that the

Organize the cooperative sector sullied by misconduct: Minister Aryal

KATHMANDU: Minister of Labor, Employment, and Social Security, Dol Prasad

SC to continue hearing on Gandaki lawmaker Devkota’s case

KATHMANDU: The Supreme Court (SC) has decided to continue the

Tarakeshwor Municipality to ensure monetary incentive for third-gender people

KATHMANDU: The Tarakeshwor municipality in Kathmandu has announced a new