Kuresh Khan « Khabarhub
Sunday, June 16th, 2024

Kuresh Khan

AI Automation and its impact on Human Life

In the modern era, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation have become pivotal forces driving transformation

Ramadan: A special month of prayer, purpose, and peace

Ramadan, observed as the ninth month in the Islamic lunar calendar, is deeply revered by

Don’t dismiss human absurdity

Over the past several decades, we have experienced a level of peace and tranquility surpassing

Manakamana cable car service to remain closed for 50 days from July 15

KURINTAR, CHITWAN: Nepal’s first cable car, Manakamana cable car will

India-funded new school building inaugurated in Pyuthan

PYUTHAN: A groundbreaking ceremony was held today for the construction

Constitutional Council meeting convenes at 6 pm

KATHMANDU: The Constitutional Council (CC) meeting has been scheduled for

Bishwa Prakash Sharma calls for clarity on Budhi Gandaki Hydropower Project

KATHMANDU: Nepali Congress (NC) General Secretary and lawmaker Bishwa Prakash

Justice Raut appointed as a Judicial Council member on Sunday

KATHMANDU: Supreme Court Justice Prakash Man Singh Raut has been