Monday, September 2nd, 2024

Shashi Tharoor

Why Is the Maldives Spurning India?

Far from the headline-grabbing wars in Ukraine and Gaza, in a corner of the Arabian

India’s Looming Demographic Divide

India looks set to end a tumultuous year on a celebratory note, marking both 75 years

The Olympic-Size Difference Between India and China

The Tokyo Olympic Games are over, and the Japanese people and government have heaved a

India Looks West

Recent conciliatory moves by India’s nationalist government on its western flank have rightly aroused global

Pakistan’s Taliban Monster

The late head of Pakistan’s powerful Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency, Lieutenant General Hamid Gul, was

India’s COVID Tsunami

It is humbling when a columnist must retract his words soon after penning them. Just

India’s Smart Vaccine Diplomacy

As countries scramble to secure COVID-19 vaccines, ugly expressions like “vaccine race” and “vaccine nationalism”

Economic Digest: Nepal’s Business News in a Snap

KATHMANDU: Economic Digest offers a concise yet comprehensive overview of

Unified Socialist Chair Nepal leaves for Russia

KATHMANDU: Chairman of the Unified Socialist and former Prime Minister

Moti Jayanti being observed today

KATHMANDU: The 159th birth anniversary of the renowned national figure

Today’s foreign currency exchange rates

KATHMANDU: The Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) has announced the foreign

Kushe Aunshi, Father’s Day being observed today

KATHMANDU: Hindus in the country are collecting Kush, a holy