POKHARA: The police are preparing to re-arrest Rastriya Swatantra Party chair and former Home Minister Rabi Lamichhane after he posts the NPR 6.5 million bail ordered by the Kaski District Court. Despite the court’s decision to release him on bail, the police intend to detain Lamichhane and transfer him to Kathmandu for further legal proceedings.
According to sources, the District Government Attorney’s Office has requested that Lamichhane be placed in police custody immediately upon his release.
Although the court has granted bail in the cooperative fraud case, police argue that orders for his release do not extend to charges related to organized crime and money laundering, which remain unresolved.
Lamichhane is also facing similar cases in other districts. The Kathmandu District Court registered a case against him last Sunday, with additional cases filed in Rupandehi on Tuesday.
Legal proceedings in Chitwan and Parsa are also underway. As a result, preparations are in place to transfer him from Pokhara to Kathmandu for further investigations and court hearings.