Highest number of SEE students fail in compulsory math « Khabarhub
Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Highest number of SEE students fail in compulsory math

27 June 2024  

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KATHMANDU: The highest number of students participating in the Secondary Education Examination (SEE) have failed in compulsory math, according to the results published by the National Examination Board (NEB) on Thursday.

A total of 177,985 students received a non-grade in compulsory math.

Science is the subject with the second highest number of failures, with 126,933 students failing.

Additionally, 113,383 students failed in English, 73,877 in social studies, and 69,532 in Nepali.

Students who were categorized as non-graded in up to two subjects will have the opportunity to attend the grade increment examinations of the SEE on August 2 and 3.

Publish Date : 27 June 2024 17:37 PM

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