Four vehicles collide, one dies in Muglin « Khabarhub
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Four vehicles collide, one dies in Muglin

27 May 2024  

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CHITWAN: Four vehicles collided with one another, killing a person and injuring 22 others along the Narayangadh-Muglin road last night.

The incident occurred at 17-Kilo of Bharatpur Metropolis-29, the police said, adding that a 17-year-old boy died in the incident.

Spokesperson at District Police Office, Chitwan, Bhesraj Rijal, said three buses and a truck had collided with one another.

The identity of the dead one is not ascertained yet.

The roadway remained obstructed for some hours after the incident.

However, the two-way traffic began this morning, Rijal added.

Eighteen injured passengers are undergoing treatment at a basic hospital, Kurintar, while four others at Chitwan Medical College.

Publish Date : 27 May 2024 07:19 AM

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