Himalayan Yoga Techniques Embark on Australian Journey with Nepal’s Nivedita « Khabarhub
Friday, June 28th, 2024

Himalayan Yoga Techniques Embark on Australian Journey with Nepal’s Nivedita

23 June 2024  

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KATHMANDU: In the heart of Australia’s capital, at the prestigious Australian National University (ANU), Nivedita Pradhan has become a beacon of cultural exchange and wellness.

As the sole yoga instructor at Sports Department of ANU hailing from Nepal, she has made significant strides in promoting the ancient Himalayan science of yoga, culminating in the hosting of the university’s first grand international yoga event on June 21.

Dr. Nivedita Pradhan featured a series of mantras, sun salutations, and 108 Om chants followed by flute artist Saroj Maharjan.

Saroj’s live flute Savasana was very immersive and reflected also the tribute to International Music day which is on same day.

This diverse event was anchored by Kaushal Shrestha saying “Nepal is the land of mighty Mt. Everest, the birthplace of Gautama Buddha, and pious land where spirituality permeates in each aspects of life”.

Dr. Stuart Miller, Respiratory and Sleep Physician, spoke on the benefits of Om chanting for the cerebral cortex and the sleep-enhancing effects of savasana.

The event was captured by The AR Pixels photographers, who are team of young Nepali media entrepreneurs.

Nivedita and her team assembling together to bring a contribution to beyond their community with selflessness on occasion outside their homeland is truly inspiring.

The session was concluded by Bhakti Yoga session and ecstatic kirtan led by ISKCON Canberra’s Bhavish Kapoor.

Volunteers were honored with Palpali Dhaka Khada and certificates, and attendees enjoyed vegetarian dinner served. Nivedita concluded session highlighting – “Yoga is inevitable, either your standing sitting sleeping, everything – it is a posture. Simply adding midfulness to it, brings the yoga beyond the mat.”

Dr. Pradhan’s journey is a unique blend of disciplines.

She grew up in the spiritual background in the foothills of Tansen, Palpa guided by her parents Sanjay Pradhan and Sangita Maskey, and received her schooling from her role model, Rani Gurung Kaskshapati, the founder of Shuvatara School.

She draws inspiration in the path of yoga from Dr. Hari Prasad Pokhrel and Dr. Chintamani Gautam, renowned yoga icons of Nepal.

Initially graduating in Dental Medicine, she brings over 500 hours of yoga training from Nepal and advanced studies in yoga anatomy from the spiritual hub of Rishikesh.

She is currently pursuing a Master of Science in Yoga and Vedic Therapy in India.

This fusion of medical science and ancient yogic wisdom underpins her holistic approach transcending borders and enrich lives worldwide.

Publish Date : 23 June 2024 20:49 PM

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