
Shekhar Koirala advocates unity between UML and Nepali Congress


April 11, 2024


Shekhar Koirala advocates unity between UML and Nepali Congress

Dr Shekhar Koirala

KATHMANDU: Shekhar Koirala, a prominent leader of Nepali Congress (NC), has emphasized the importance of unity between CPN-UML and the Nepali Congress for the betterment of the nation.

Advocating for collaboration between the two major political parties, Koirala stressed that a unified approach would serve the interests of the country effectively.

“I have consistently pushed for unity between the two largest parties in parliament,” Koirala stated, underlining the need for prioritizing national welfare over individual or party interests.

Speaking at a party event in Dang, Koirala pointed out that the lack of unity among political parties has fostered distrust among citizens.

He urged leaders to set aside personal and party agendas in favor of national interests.

Highlighting the prevalent trend of leaders prioritizing self-interest followed by party interests, Koirala emphasized the urgency of aligning political priorities with the needs of the nation.