KATHMANDU: In a groundbreaking initiative under the Hult Prize at Shanker Dev Campus, “Project Deego” is poised to embark on a transformative journey aimed at tackling urgent global issues with a distinctive local approach.
“It’s a commitment to catalyze positive change,” asserts Pooja Sharma, Campus Director of Hult Prize at Shanker Dev Campus.
“The major focus of the project, set to commence on December 24, is centered on fostering sustainable practices that resonate across communities, leaving an enduring mark on the world we share.”
With a shared vision for a world where people coexist harmoniously with the planet, Project Deego is anticipated to leave behind a legacy of hope and resilience for generations to come.
In line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the project aligns its pursuit of creating a meaningful impact by presenting a dynamic series of events.
These events are meticulously crafted to address critical global challenges at the grassroots level, each contributing to a specific SDG.
The approach aims to instill a sense of responsibility, foster community engagement, and drive sustainable change.
The Hult Prize at SDC emerges as a platform not only for innovation but also for nurturing a collective effort towards a more sustainable and equitable future.