KATHMANDU: The Weather Forecasting Division has indicated the likelihood of rainfall in Koshi and Bagmati provinces today.
There is a potential for moderate to heavy rain in isolated areas of these provinces.
Although the monsoon’s low pressure line is in proximity to Nepal, its impact has been mitigated due to the weakening of water vapor.
In regard to the other provinces, the forecast suggests the possibility of light to moderate rainfall.
Currently, several locations in Gandaki province, a few spots in Koshi and Bagmati provinces, and a couple of places in the remaining areas have experienced light to moderate rain.
During the afternoon, hilly regions may expect light to moderate rain at some locales, while a few spots across the country might experience similar conditions.
As the day progresses, Koshi, Madhesh, and Gandaki provinces could encounter light to moderate rain accompanied by thunder and lightning, with a few other areas also being affected during the night.
Considering the potential for varying intensities of rainfall, ranging from light to moderate and possibly heavy in some cases, the Weather Forecasting Division advises individuals to remain vigilant due to the associated risks of landslides and floods.