KATHMANDU: The National Examination Board (NEB) has announced the results of the Secondary Education Examination (SEE).
The results will be formally announced by holding a press conference on Thursday afternoon.
To access the SEE results, students have multiple options, including the website, SMS, and IVR.
The Board has provided a helpline number, 1600, which can be dialed to obtain the SEE results.
In addition, the results can be accessed through the NEB and Nepal Telecom websites.
Students can also receive their results via SMS by sending a text to the following numbers: 1600, 31003, 34949, 35001, and 31064.
The results would be accessible through www.see.gov.np, www.neb.gov.np, www.see.ntc.net.np, www.khaltif\.com, www.neemaacademy.com, www.ekantipur.com, www.theconncetplus.com, www.see.edusanjal.com, www.admissionnepal.com, www.seenicasiabank.com, www.neemaaacademy.com, www.mypay.com.np, www.nepaleducatipnportal.com, www.ayoresult.com, ww.results.matraeducation.com, www.tuteeline.com, it is informed.