
Longing for one last embrace!

Ishwar Dev Khanal

August 5, 2023


Longing for one last embrace!

“Dad, share with me a story that will forever be etched in the depths of my heart!” These words of his son echoed in Richard’s mind as he stared at his son, who was driving them towards an uncertain destination in a luxurious car.

It had been years since Richard needed any help, but today, he found himself grappling with emotions he could hardly contain.

His son’s tender fingers gripped the steering wheel, a stark contrast to Richard’s own weathered and itchy hands. The sight of them triggered a flood of emotions, nostalgia washing over him, transporting him back to a time when his son was just a little boy, holding onto his father’s soft hand.

Oh, how his heart would swell with joy at the sight of his son’s radiant happiness!

Unforgettable moments from the past played like a sentimental movie in Richard’s mind. Bedtime stories were a cherished tradition, his son snuggled up, asking for tales in the most endearing voice. The feeling of his son resting on his lap brought immeasurable happiness to Richard’s soul.

A profound sense of sadness washed over him, knowing that this would be the place where he would spend the twilight of his life, away from the comfort and familiarity of his home. The realization hit him hard, and he couldn’t help but feel abandoned and betrayed, even though he knew his son’s intentions were likely well-meaning.

Those precious memories continued to replay, each one etched deep within Richard’s heart. He fondly remembered sharing stories of faith and morality, the very stories that breathed life back into him after tiring days at work.

Richard used to be intricately involved in his son’s life, nurturing and caring for him. Preparing lunches, arranging school bags, and making sure his little one was immaculately dressed—these were labors of love that filled Richard with boundless warmth and tenderness.

As the years passed, his son grew into a strong young man, while Richard’s own strength waned with age. Yet, he never hesitated to fulfill his son’s desires, whether it was a pizza or a burger. The sacrifices he made for his son’s happiness knew no bounds, even if it meant tightening his own belt.

The son’s wedding was an extravagant affair, one that brought immense joy to Richard’s heart despite the financial strain it imposed.

But as time went on and his son found success, the once abundant affection and attention towards his father began to dwindle, lost amid the pursuit of material possessions and his wife’s career.

The void left by the passing of his beloved wife weighed heavily on Richard’s soul. He yearned for the days when his son would embrace him with love and call him “dad” with sheer enthusiasm. But now, the once familiar warmth seemed distant, replaced by a growing sense of neglect.

A sudden honking of the car aroused Richard, pulling him away from his thoughts. As he looked outside, he was spellbound by what he saw. The world seemed to stand still for a moment, capturing his heart with the breathtaking sight before him.

It was a vibrant sunset, painting the sky in hues of fiery orange and soft pink. The sun’s rays gently kissed the earth, illuminating everything in its warm embrace. The trees swayed gracefully, their leaves shimmering like precious gems, as if celebrating the beauty of the new day.

“Son, don’t you want to hear my story again?” Richard silently implored. His son opened the car door without looking back, leaving Richard behind. The pain in Richard’s heart intensified as he watched his son leave.

As the car approached the building bearing the words “Old Age Home,” (Retirement Home) Richard’s heart sank like a heavy stone in his chest.

His mind was flooded with a mix of emotions, each vying for his attention. He tried to hold back tears, but they welled up uncontrollably in his eyes, silently conveying the ache within his heart.

A profound sense of sadness washed over him, knowing that this would be the place where he would spend the twilight of his life, away from the comfort and familiarity of his home.

The realization hit him hard, and he couldn’t help but feel abandoned and betrayed, even though he knew his son’s intentions were likely well-meaning.

Deep down, he cherished the memories of raising his son, nurturing him with all the love and care a father could offer.

He had hoped that as he aged, he would remain surrounded by the warmth of his family, cherishing moments together and offering guidance whenever needed.

But now, as the reality of the old age home loomed before him, he couldn’t help but wonder if he had somehow failed as a father.

Richard wanted to speak up, to muster the courage to ask his son if he wanted to hear another story like he used to when he was a child.

He longed for one last embrace, one last chance to hold his son close, to feel that connection they had shared all these years. But the words seemed to be stuck in his throat, choked by a knot of emotions.

“Son, don’t you want to hear my story again?” Richard implored in his mind, not being able to speak.

But his son opened the car door without looking back, leaving Richard behind. The pain in Richard’s heart intensified as he watched his son leave.

Yet, inside the Retirement Home, amidst warm smiles and kind souls, he found solace, yearning for a rekindling of the bond with his son, the bond that once defined his world.