
NA by-elections: 324 voters cast votes so far


May 20, 2021


NA by-elections: 324 voters cast votes so far

People's representatives lining up to cast votes to elect a member to the vacant post in the National Assembly in Hetauda.

MAKWANPUR: A by-election to elect a member to the vacant post in the National Assembly in Bagmati Pradesh is taking place today.

Votes are being cast at Bhutandevi Secondary School in Hetauda, the capital city of Bagmati Pradesh.

As many as 324 people’s representatives have cast their votes so far in the by-elections that began at 9 am, informed Govinda Prasad Paudel, the polling officer.

There are a total of 348 voters including 110 Provincial Assembly members and 238 chiefs and deputy chiefs of 119 local units from 13 districts.

Of them Provincial Assembly member Pashupati Chaulagain has passed away recently.

As many as 92 Provincial Assembly members have cast their votes at polling booth ‘A’, 208 chiefs and deputy chiefs at booth ‘B’ and COVID-19 infected four Provincial Assembly lawmakers and 20 chiefs and deputy chiefs of local units have cast their votes at booth ‘C’ until the compiling of this news.

As of now, 96 Provincial Assembly lawmakers and 228 chiefs and deputy chiefs have cast votes in the NA by-elections.

Of them 24 voters are COVID-19 infected.