BIRATNAGAR: Prime Minister KP Oli has come down heavily on Vice President Nanda Bahadur Pun and Speaker of the House of Representatives Agni Sapkota for criticizing the government.
“How could responsible people like a Vice President and the Speaker talk like a layman?” PM Oli said while addressing a mass rally in Biratnagar organized by the Nepal Communist Party on Friday.
“The Speaker has been a scrapper,” PM Oli said referring to his comments and activities of late.
Stating that the government was working for the cause of democracy, he said that if the HoR was reinstated, the government will be in a minority which will then lead to horse-trading of lawmakers leading the country towards instability.
“This will weaken democracy,” he said justifying his move of dissolution of the House of Representatives.
Therefore, fresh mandate was the only way out, he said adding that the Supreme Court should give its verdict without coming under the influence of any party of force.
He also reiterated that the election will be held at any cost.