KATHMANDU: A Nepal Airlines aircraft has landed at Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA) on Friday afternoon with the 4.4 million doses of coronavirus vaccine purchased from China.
A wide-body aircraft left for China at 11 pm last night to bring the vaccine. Out of the 6 million doses purchased by the Government of Nepal, 4.4 million doses arrived here Friday.

According to the Ministry of Health and Population, the government had purchased six million doses of the vaccine from China. Of them, 1.6 million doses of vaccine had arrived earlier and the remaining 4.4 million doses arrived today.
So far, 13.3 million doses of vaccine have been received in Nepal. Out of that, 5 million doses have been procured and the rest has been received with grant assistance.
The government has formulated a strategy to vaccinate all eligible Nepali citizens by April 2022. Vaccines are being supplied accordingly.
मित्रराष्ट्र चीनबाट खरिद गरि ल्याइएको ४४ लाख कोभिड-१९ विरूद्धको खोप आज काठमाडौं आइपुगेको छ । pic.twitter.com/laDw3xwcKl
— Umesh Shrestha (@umesh_1956) September 17, 2021