MAHOTTARI: People are terrorized after Covid-19 infection started increasing at Cheru of Bardibas municipality-5 in Mahottari district day by day.
The number of coronavirus cases has increased all of sudden after a marriage ceremony held on April 30 in the settlement. More than 40 people in the settlement have already tested positive for coronavirus infection.
Health workers said that cases of infection increased after lots of people gathered in the marriage ceremony and due to the mobility of guests without following health protocols. The settlement lies around seven kilometers away from the East-West highway in the northern Chure area.
Joint-Coordinator of Bardibas municipality-level Covid-19 Crisis Management Centre, senior health workers Ram Babu Yadav said that coronavirus has already been confirmed on 40 people of the settlement.
The swab of the locals of the settlement was collected after they started developing different symptoms like cold, cough, fever, and complications in the respiratory system from May 3.
Health workers shared that coronavirus infection was increased in the remote settlement in a lack of health awareness.
Out of 100 coronavirus cases confirmed at Bardibas municipal area from mid-April, other wards of the municipality have recorded few cases.
Mayor Bidur Kumar Karki said that movement and gathering of people have decreased after notice issued by Bardibas Municipality and District Administration for the recent few days.
Karki added that the municipality has been involved in testing swabs in the settlements, disseminating awareness, and management of isolation ward.