UDAYAPUR: The 28 people who have been found infected with coronavirus in Bhulke of Triyuga municipality did not get the infection through the Indian Jamati Muslims.
Minister for social development of State-1, who arrived Bhulke on Saturday, confirmed that the earlier reports of the 12 Indian Jamati Muslims being the source of the virus was not true.
This was confirmed after a test of the people living in other mosques were the Jamati Muslims visited turned out to be negative.
The source of infection was some Muslim youths who had returned from Saudi Arabia and Qatar, who are among the 28 infected people in Bhukle. They are suspected to have transmitted the virus to the visiting Jamati Muslims.
All the 28 including the 12 Jamati Muslims are undergoing treatment at Koshi hospital in Biratnagar. Their condition is reported to be normal.