JHAPA: Locals in various parts of Jhapa district are getting home delivery of vegetables and other necessary stuff.
Some municipalities in the district have now initiated to buy the local products by reaching farms and supplying these to the households.
The Mechinagar Industry and Commerce Association also began the same venture for assisting the locals in a tough time caused by the extended lockdown.
The Association took the initiation after locals complained of not getting time and permission to reach the market for their daily essentials. The administration was earlier thinking to reduce the crowd at veggie shops owing to a possible threat of COVID-19 outbreak.
Meanwhile, Mechinagar municipality has started to reach the various allowances to senior citizens, disabled, single woman and other targeted groups to their homes.
Deputy mayor Mina Upreti said that it was arranged with the objective of reducing the crowd in banks and municipality offices during the lockdown period. Birtamod municipality is also coming with the same scheme, adding it could even manage to reach the medicines to the critical patients.