DANG: A India-returnee couple currently living in a quarantine at the Ghorahi Submetropolitan City in Dang have tied knot in quarantine after they tested negative in the PCR report.
According to Bharat Aryal, the Ward Chair of Dang Ghorahi Sub-metropolitan City-18, the India-returnee couple married in the quarantine at the consent of their family members.
Aryal said that the couple were accustomed to each other well before they came to the quarantine and were mentally prepared to marry each other.
“They also sought their family members’ consent before their marriage,” Aryal said, “Now, after getting their PCR report they got married under a banyan and Peepal tree nearby.”
Aryal added that 4 people living in the quarantine had tested COVID-19 positive and shifted to isolation whereas the newly married couple are sent home suggesting them 1 more week long separate living.
The newly-wed are a 23-year old male and a female of 21 years.