KATHMANDU: The number of Nepalis succumbing to COVID-19 has reached 63 in the United Kingdom till today.
According to London based Nepali Embassy Spokesperson, Sharad Raj Aran, of the deceased, 52 are male and 11 female. Of them, 52 are Ex-Gurkha Army and 11 others.
Coronavirus has taken a huge toll in Europe and Nepalis as well as Non-resident Nepalis too have been affected by it.
If the current state continues, there is a danger that NRNs too could be affected by the virus, said Non-Resident Nepalis Association European Coordinator Narayan Acharya.
Considering the possible crisis resulting from the COVID-19, the NRNA has decided to set up an emergency fund of 50,000 Euros in order to provide rescue and relief support to the Nepalis in Europe, Acharya said.
though there is no official data, some 150,000 Nepalis are believed to be living in Britain.
Even though the situation of Nepalis is normal in Europe, the risk on them is high due to the nature of work that they are involved in, says Federation of Nepali Journalists, Europe Chair Kejin Rai.