KATHMANDU: The Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA) has filed a 5.4 million rupees corruption case against Bhupa Raj Koirala, then Branch Manager of Nepal Bank Limited (NBL), Dilli Bazaar Branch.
CIAA has filed a case against Koirala in allegation of irregularities of more than Rs 5.48 million from the bank he was in-charge of.
Koirala has been sued in the Special Court, Kathmandu.
CIAA has alleged Koirala of committing corruption by being involved in the activities such as hacking the bank system and depositing interest due to the bank in his personal account among others.
According to CIAA Spokesperson Pradeep Kumar Koirala, he is also alleged of misusing teller ID and System Super User electronically while in post in Nepal Bank Limited’s Kathmandu Office and Dilli Bazaar Branch.
Citing Clause 17 of the Prevention of Corruption Act 2002, CIAA has demanded the compensation worth the damage caused by Koirala while filing a case against him on July Sunday.