POKHARA: Forty additional coronavirus cases were reported in Gandaki Pradesh on Friday morning.
According to a press note issued by the Ministry of Social Development of Gandaki Pradesh, 40 people including security personnel have been infected with the virus.
The highest number of cases among those infected is from Pokhara-Lekhnath municipality. A total of 16 people including seven security officials have been infected with coronavirus in Pokhara-Lekhnath municipality, said the Ministry.
Seven men were found infected in Pokhara through contact tracing.
17 infected in Nawalparasi East
Seventeen among those infected are from Nawalparasi East. Of them, 16 (five women and 12 men) are from Gaindakot municipality. Similarly, one infected is from Devchuli municipality.
Likewise, three infected are from Lamjung, two from Tahanahun and one each from Syangja and Baglung, said Binod Bindu Sharma, the spokesperson for the COVID-19 Control and Prevention Program.
With this, the number of infection cases in Gandaki Pradesh has reached 2,352.
Of them, 1,766 have recovered while 568 are undergoing treatment at various isolation centers in the province.
According to the ministry, the death toll from coronavirus has reached 18 in Gandaki Pradesh till date.